Time is finite, energy is renewable

In the PwC Leadership Development Programme we explored ‘Resilience’ and the concept of “Don’t be a boiling frog” with our future leaders in Yorkshire & North East.  The pressures of work and life can creep up on us all and start to impact how we feel and ultimately how we perform. A challenge many faceContinue reading “Time is finite, energy is renewable”

The importance of developing our future leaders

Published by PwC – 18 January 2019 https://www.pwc.co.uk/who-we-are/regional-sites/yorkshire-north-east/insights/leaders-development-programme.html The future success of any business is dependent on the calibre of the people within that business who are able to deliver and implement the future strategies. A key to that is the ability to attract talent and skills within the business but also creating a cultureContinue reading “The importance of developing our future leaders”